Component Types

In Sympl, computation is mainly performed using Prognostic, Diagnostic, and Implicit objects. Each of these types, once initialized, can be passed in a current model state. Prognostic objects use the state to return tendencies and diagnostics at the current time. Diagnostic objects return only diagnostics from the current time. Implicit objects will take in a timestep along with the state, and then return the next state as well as modifying the current state to include more diagnostics (it is similar to a TimeStepper in how it is called).

In specific cases, it may be necessary to use a ImplicitPrognostic object, which is discussed at the end of this section.

These classes themselves (listed in the previous paragraph) are not ones you can initialize (e.g. there is no one ‘prognostic’ scheme), but instead should be subclassed to contain computational code relevant to the model you’re running.

In addition to the computational functionality below, all components have “properties” for their inputs and outputs, which are described in the section Input/Output Properties.


As stated above, Prognostic objects use the state to return tendencies and diagnostics at the current time. In a full model, the tendencies are used by a time stepping scheme (in Sympl, a TimeStepper) to determine the values of quantities at the next time.

You can call a Prognostic directly to get diagnostics and tendencies like so:

radiation = RRTMRadiation()
diagnostics, tendencies = radiation(state)

diagnostics and tendencies in this case will both be dictionaries, similar to state. Even if the Prognostic being called does not compute any diagnostics, it will still return an empty diagnostics dictionary.

Usually, you will call a Prognostic object through a TimeStepper that uses it to determine values at the next timestep.

class sympl.Prognostic[source]

tuple of str – The quantities required in the state when the object is called.


tuple of str – The quantities for which tendencies are returned when the object is called.


tuple of str – The diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called.


dict – A dictionary whose keys are quantities required in the state when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate ‘dims’ and ‘units’.


dict – A dictionary whose keys are quantities for which tendencies are returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate ‘dims’ and ‘units’.


dict – A dictionary whose keys are diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate ‘dims’ and ‘units’.


Gets tendencies and diagnostics from the passed model state.


state (dict) – A model state dictionary.


  • tendencies (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the time derivative of those quantities in units/second at the time of the input state.
  • diagnostics (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities at the time of the input state.

  • KeyError – If a required quantity is missing from the state.
  • InvalidStateError – If state is not a valid input for the Prognostic instance.

Return repr(self).


Return str(self).

class sympl.ConstantPrognostic(tendencies, diagnostics=None)[source]

Prescribes constant tendencies provided at initialization.

Note: Any arrays in the passed dictionaries are not copied, so that
if you were to modify them after passing them into this object, it would also modify the values inside this object.

Gets tendencies and diagnostics from the passed model state. The returned dictionaries will contain the same values as were passed at initialization.

Parameters:state (dict) – A model state dictionary.
  • tendencies (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the time derivative of those quantities in units/second.
  • diagnostics (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities.
__init__(tendencies, diagnostics=None)[source]
  • tendencies (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the time derivative of those quantities in units/second to be returned by this Prognostic.
  • diagnostics (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities to be returned by this Prognostic.
class sympl.RelaxationPrognostic(quantity_name, equilibrium_value=None, relaxation_timescale=None)[source]

Applies Newtonian relaxation to a single quantity.

The relaxation takes the form \(\frac{dx}{dt} = - \frac{x - x_{eq}}{\tau}\) where \(x\) is the quantity being relaxed, \(x_{eq}\) is the equilibrium value, and \(\tau\) is the timescale of the relaxation.


Gets tendencies and diagnostics from the passed model state.

Parameters:state (dict) –

A model state dictionary. Below, (quantity_name) refers to the quantity_name passed at initialization. The state must contain:

  • (quantity_name)
  • equilibrium_(quantity_name), unless this was passed at initialisation time in which case that value is used
  • (quantity_name)_relaxation_timescale, unless this was passed at initialisation time in which case that value is used
  • tendencies (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the time derivative of those quantities in units/second at the time of the input state.
  • diagnostics (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities at the time of the input state.
__init__(quantity_name, equilibrium_value=None, relaxation_timescale=None)[source]
  • quantity_name (str) – The name of the quantity to which Newtonian relaxation should be applied
  • equilibrium_value (DataArray, optional) – The equilibrium value to which the quantity is relaxed. If not given, it should be provided in the state when the object is called.
  • relaxation_timescale (DataArray, optional) – The timescale tau with which the Newtonian relaxation occurs. If not given, it should be provided in the state when the object is called.


Diagnostic objects use the state to return quantities (‘diagnostics’) from the same timestep as the input state. You can call a Diagnostic directly to get diagnostic quantities like so:

diagnostic_component = MyDiagnostic()
diagnostics = diagnostic_component(state)

You should be careful to check in the documentation of the particular Diagnostic you are using to see whether it modifies the state given to it as input. Diagnostic objects in charge of updating ghost cells in particular may modify the arrays in the input dictionary, so that the arrays in the returned diagnostics dictionary are the same ones as were sent as input in the state. To make it clear that the state is being modified when using such objects, we recommend using a syntax like:

class sympl.Diagnostic[source]

tuple of str – The quantities required in the state when the object is called.


tuple of str – The diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called.


dict – A dictionary whose keys are quantities required in the state when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate ‘dims’ and ‘units’.


dict – A dictionary whose keys are diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate ‘dims’ and ‘units’.


Gets diagnostics from the passed model state.


state (dict) – A model state dictionary.


diagnostics – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities at the time of the input state.

Return type:


  • KeyError – If a required quantity is missing from the state.
  • InvalidStateError – If state is not a valid input for the Prognostic instance.

Return repr(self).


Return str(self).

class sympl.ConstantDiagnostic(diagnostics)[source]

Yields constant diagnostics provided at initialization.


Any arrays in the passed dictionaries are not copied, so that if you were to modify them after passing them into this object, it would also modify the values inside this object.


Returns diagnostic values.

Parameters:state (dict) – A model state dictionary. Is not used, and is only taken in to keep an API consistent with a Diagnostic.
Returns:diagnostics – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities. The values in the returned dictionary are the same as were passed into this object at initialization.
Return type:dict
Parameters:diagnostics (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities. The values in the dictionary will be returned when this Diagnostic is called.


Implicit objects use a state and a timestep to return the next state, and update the input state with any relevant diagnostic quantities. You can call an Implicit object like so:

from datetime import timedelta
implicit = MyImplicit()
timestep = timedelta(minutes=10)
diagnostics, next_state = implicit(state, timestep)

The returned diagnostics dictionary contains diagnostic quantities from the timestep of the input state, while next_state is the state dictionary for the next timestep. It is possible that some of the arrays in diagnostics may be the same arrays as were given in the input state, and that they have been modified. In other words, state may be modified by this call. For instance, the object may need to update ghost cells in the current state. Or if an object provides ‘cloud_fraction’ as a diagnostic, it may modify an existing ‘cloud_fraction’ array in the input state if one is present, instead of allocating a new array.

class sympl.Implicit[source]

tuple of str – The quantities required in the state when the object is called.


tuple of str – The quantities for which values for the old state are returned when the object is called.


tuple of str – The quantities for which values for the new state are returned when the object is called.


dict – A dictionary whose keys are quantities required in the state when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate ‘dims’ and ‘units’.


dict – A dictionary whose keys are quantities for which values for the old state are returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate ‘dims’ and ‘units’.


dict – A dictionary whose keys are quantities for which values for the new state are returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate ‘dims’ and ‘units’.

__call__(state, timestep)[source]

Gets diagnostics from the current model state and steps the state forward in time according to the timestep.

  • state (dict) – A model state dictionary. Will be updated with any diagnostic quantities produced by this object for the time of the input state.
  • timestep (timedelta) – The amount of time to step forward.

  • diagnostics (dict) – Diagnostics from the timestep of the input state.
  • new_state (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities at the timestep after input state.

  • KeyError – If a required quantity is missing from the state.
  • InvalidStateError – If state is not a valid input for the Implicit instance for other reasons.

Return repr(self).


Return str(self).

Input/Output Properties

You may have noticed when reading the documentation for the classes above that there are a number of attributes with names like input_properties for components. These attributes give a fairly complete description of the inputs and outputs of the component.

You can access them like this (for an example Prognostic class RRTMRadiation):

radiation = RRTMRadiation()


All components have input_properties, because they all take inputs. This attribute (like all the other properties attributes) is a python dict, or “dictionary” (if you are unfamiliar with these, please read the Python documentation for dicts).

An example input_properties would be

    'air_temperature': {
        'dims': ['*', 'z'],
        'units': 'degK',
    'vertical_wind': {
        'dims': ['*', 'z'],
        'units': 'm/s',
        'match_dims_like': ['air_temperature']

Each entry in the input_properties dictionary is a quantity that the object requires as an input, and its value is another dictionary that tells you how the object uses that quantity. The units property is the units used internally in the object. You don’t need to pass in the quantity with those those units, as long as the units can be converted, but if you do use the same units in the input state it will avoid the computational cost of converting units.

The dims property can be more confusing, but is very useful. It says what dimensions the component uses internally for those quantities. The component requires that you give it quantities that can be transformed into those internal dimensions, but it can take care of that transformation itself. In this example, it will transform the arrays for both quantities to put the vertical dimension last, and collect all the other dimensions into a single first dimension. If you pass this object arrays that have their vertical dimension last, it may speed up the computation, depending on the component (but not for all components!).

So what are ‘*’ and ‘z’ anyways? These are wildcard dimensions. ‘z’ will match any dimension that is vertical, while ‘*’ will match any dimension that is not specified somewhere else in the dims list. There are also ‘x’ and ‘y’ for horizontal dimensions. The directional matches are given to Sympl using the functions set_direction_names() or add_direction_names(). If you’re using someone else’s package for a component, it is likely that they call these functions for you, so you don’t have to (and if you’re writing such a package, you should use add_direction_names()).

If a component is using a wildcard it means it doesn’t care very much about those directions. For example, a column component like radiation will simply call itself on each column of the domain, so it doesn’t care about the specifics of what the non-vertical dimensions are, as long as the desired quantities are co-located.

That’s where match_dims_like comes in. This property says the object requires all shared wildcard dimensions between the two quantity match the same dimensions as the other specified quantity. In this case, it will ensure that vertical_wind is on the same grid as air_temperature.

Let’s consider a slight variation on the earlier example:

    'air_temperature': {
        'dims': ['*', 'mid_levels'],
        'units': 'degK',
    'vertical_wind': {
        'dims': ['*', 'interface_levels'],
        'units': 'm/s',
        'match_dims_like': ['air_temperature']

This version requires that air_temperature be on the mid_levels vertical grid, while vertical_wind is on the interface_levels. It still requires that all other dimensions are the same between the two quantities, so that they are on the same horizontal grid (if they have a horizontal grid).


There are a few output property dictionaries in Sympl: tendency_properties, diagnostic_properties, and output_properties. They are all formatted the same way with the same properties, but tell you about the tendencies, diagnostics, or next state values that are output by the component, respectively.

Here’s an example output dictionary:

tendency_properties = {
    'air_temperature': {
        'dims_like': 'air_temperature',
        'units': 'degK/s',

In tendency_properties, the quantity names specify the quantities for which tendencies are given. The units are the units of the output value, which is also put in the output DataArray as the units attribute.

dims_like is telling you that the output array will have the same dimensions as the array you gave it for air_temperature as an input. If you pass it an air_temperature array with (‘latitude’, ‘longitude’, ‘mid_levels’) as its axes, it will return an array with (‘latitude’, ‘longitude’, ‘mid_levels’) for the temperature tendency. If dims_like is not specified in the tendency_properties dictionary, it is assumed to be the matching quantity in the input, but for the other quantities dims_like must always be explicitly defined. For instance, if the object as a diagnostic_properties equal to:

diagnostic_properties = {
    'cloud_fraction': {
        'dims_like': 'air_temperature',
        'units': '',

that the object will output cloud_fraction in its diagnostics on the same grid as air_temperature, in dimensionless units.



This component type should be avoided unless you know you need it, for reasons discussed in this section.

In addition to the component types described above, computation may be performed by a ImplicitPrognostic. This class should be avoided unless you know what you are doing, but it may be necessary in certain cases. An ImplicitPrognostic, like a Prognostic, calculates tendencies, but it does so using both the model state and a timestep. Certain components, like ones handling advection using a spectral method, may need to derive tendencies from an Implicit object by representing it using an ImplicitPrognostic.

The reason to avoid using an ImplicitPrognostic is that if a component requires a timestep, it is making internal assumptions about how you are timestepping. For example, it may use the timestep to ensure that all supersaturated water is condensed by the end of the timestep using an assumption about the timestepping. However, if you use a TimeStepper which does not obey those assumptions, you may get unintended behavior, such as some supersaturated water remaining, or too much water being condensed.

For this reason, the TimeStepper objects included in Sympl do not wrap ImplicitPrognostic components. If you would like to use this type of component, and know what you are doing, it is pretty easy to write your own TimeStepper to do so (you can base the code off of the code in Sympl), or the model you are using might already have components to do this for you.

If you are wrapping a parameterization and notice that it needs a timestep to compute its tendencies, that is likely not a good reason to write an ImplicitPrognostic. If at all possible you should modify the code to compute the value at the next timestep, and write an Implicit component. You are welcome to reach out to the developers of Sympl if you would like advice on your specific situation! We’re always excited about new wrapped components.

class sympl.ImplicitPrognostic[source]

tuple of str – The quantities required in the state when the object is called.


tuple of str – The quantities for which tendencies are returned when the object is called.


tuple of str – The diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called.


dict – A dictionary whose keys are quantities required in the state when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate ‘dims’ and ‘units’.


dict – A dictionary whose keys are quantities for which tendencies are returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate ‘dims’ and ‘units’.


dict – A dictionary whose keys are diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate ‘dims’ and ‘units’.

__call__(state, timestep)[source]

Gets tendencies and diagnostics from the passed model state.

  • state (dict) – A model state dictionary.
  • timestep (timedelta) – The time over which the model is being stepped.

  • tendencies (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the time derivative of those quantities in units/second at the time of the input state.
  • diagnostics (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities at the time of the input state.

  • KeyError – If a required quantity is missing from the state.
  • InvalidStateError – If state is not a valid input for the Prognostic instance.

Return repr(self).


Return str(self).