Model State

In a Sympl model, physical quantities are stored in a state dictionary. This is a Python dict with keys that are strings, indicating the quantity name, and values are DataArray objects. The DataArray is a slight modification of the DataArray object from xarray. It maintains attributes when it is on the left hand side of addition or subtraction, and contains a helpful method for converting units. Any information about the grid the data is using that components need should be put as attributes in the attrs of the DataArray objects. Deciding on these attributes (if any) is mostly up to the component developers. However, in order to use the TimeStepper objects and several helper functions from Sympl, it is required that a “units” attribute is present.

class sympl.DataArray(data, coords=None, dims=None, name=None, attrs=None, encoding=None, fastpath=False)[source]

If this DataArray is on the left side of the addition, keep its attributes when adding to the other object.


If this DataArray is on the left side of the subtraction, keep its attributes when subtracting the other object.


Convert the units of this DataArray, if necessary. No conversion is performed if the units are the same as the units of this DataArray. The units of this DataArray are determined from the “units” attribute in attrs.


units (str) – The desired units.

  • ValueError – If the units are invalid for this object.
  • KeyError – If this object does not have units information in its attrs.

converted_data – A DataArray containing the data from this object in the desired units, if possible.

Return type:


There is one quantity which is not stored as a DataArray, and that is “time”. Time must be stored as a datetime or timedelta-like object.

Code to initialize the state is intentionally not present in Sympl, since this depends heavily on the details of the model you are running. You may find helper functions to create an initial state in model packages, or you can write your own. For example, below you can see code to initialize a state with random temperature and pressure on a lat-lon grid (random values are used for demonstration purposes only, and are not recommended in a real model).

from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
from sympl import DataArray, add_direction_names
n_lat = 64
n_lon = 128
n_height = 32
add_direction_names(x='lat', y='lon', z=('mid_levels', 'interface_levels'))
state = {
    "time": datetime(2000, 1, 1),
    "air_temperature": DataArray(
        np.random.rand(n_lat, n_lon, n_height),
        dims=('lat', 'lon', 'mid_levels'),
        attrs={'units': 'degK'}),
    "air_pressure": DataArray(
        np.random.rand(n_lat, n_lon, n_height),
        dims=('lat', 'lon', 'mid_levels'),
        attrs={'units': 'Pa'}),
    "air_pressure_on_interface_levels": DataArray(
        np.random.rand(n_lat, n_lon, n_height + 1),
        dims=('lat', 'lon', 'interface_levels'),
        attrs=('units': 'Pa')),

The call to add_direction_names() tells Sympl what dimension names correspond to what directions. This information is used by components to make sure the axes are in the right order.

Choice of Datetime

The built-in datetime object in Python (as used above) assumes the proleptic Gregorian calendar, which extends the Gregorian calendar back infinitely. Sympl provides a datetime() function which returns a datetime-like object, and allows a variety of different calendars. If a calendar other than ‘proleptic_gregorian’ is specified, one of the classes from the netcdftime package will be used. Of course, this requires that it is installed! If it’s not, you will get an error, and should pip install netcdftime. Sympl also includes timedelta for convenience. This is just the default Python timedelta.

To repeat, the calendar your model is using depends entirely on what object you’re using to store time in the state dictionary, and the default one uses the proleptic Gregorian calendar used by the default Python datetime.

sympl.datetime(year, month, day, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=None, calendar='proleptic_gregorian')[source]

Retrieves a datetime-like object with the requested calendar. Calendar types other than proleptic_gregorian require the netcdftime module to be installed.

  • year (int,) –
  • month (int,) –
  • day (int,) –
  • hour (int, optional) –
  • minute (int, optional) –
  • second (int, optional) –
  • microsecond (int, optional) –
  • tzinfo (datetime.tzinfo, optional) – A timezone informaton class, such as from pytz. Can only be used with ‘proleptic_gregorian’ calendar, as netcdftime does not support timezones.
  • calendar (string, optional) – Should be one of ‘proleptic_gregorian’, ‘no_leap’, ‘365_day’, ‘all_leap’, ‘366_day’, ‘360_day’, ‘julian’, or ‘gregorian’. Default is ‘proleptic_gregorian’, which returns a normal Python datetime. Other options require the netcdftime module to be installed.

datetime – The requested datetime. May be a Python datetime, or one of the datetime-like types in netcdftime.

Return type:


class sympl.timedelta[source]

Difference between two datetime values.

Naming Quantities

If you are a model user, the names of your quantities should coincide with the names used by the components you are using in your model. Basically, the components you are using dictate what quantity names you must use. If you are a model developer, we have a set of guidelines for naming quantities.


The following is intended for model developers.

All quantity names should be verbose, and fully descriptive. Within a component you can set a quantity to an abbreviated variable, such as

theta = state['air_potential_temperature']

This ensures that your code is self-documenting. It is immediately apparent to anyone reading your code that theta refers to potential temperature of air, even if they are not familiar with theta as a common abbreviation.

We strongly recommend using the standard names according to CF conventions. In addition to making sure your code is self-documenting, this helps make sure that different components are compatible with one another, since they all need to use the same name for a given quantity in the model state.

If your quantity is on vertical interface levels, you should name it using the form “<name>_on_interface_levels”. If this is not specified, it is assumed that the quantity is on vertical mid levels. This is necessary because the same quantity may be specified on both mid and interface levels in the same model state.

When in doubt about names, look at what other components have been written that use the same quantity. If it looks like their name is verbose and follows the CF conventions then you should probably use the same name.