Source code for sympl._components.basic

from .._core.base_components import Prognostic, Diagnostic
from .._core.array import DataArray
from .._core.units import unit_registry as ureg

[docs]class ConstantPrognostic(Prognostic): """ Prescribes constant tendencies provided at initialization. Note: Any arrays in the passed dictionaries are not copied, so that if you were to modify them after passing them into this object, it would also modify the values inside this object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, tendencies, diagnostics=None): """ Args ---- tendencies : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the time derivative of those quantities in units/second to be returned by this Prognostic. diagnostics : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities to be returned by this Prognostic. """ self._tendencies = tendencies.copy() if diagnostics is not None: self._diagnostics = diagnostics.copy() else: self._diagnostics = {}
[docs] def __call__(self, state): """ Gets tendencies and diagnostics from the passed model state. The returned dictionaries will contain the same values as were passed at initialization. Args ---- state : dict A model state dictionary. Returns ------- tendencies : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the time derivative of those quantities in units/second. diagnostics : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities. """ return self._tendencies.copy(), self._diagnostics.copy()
[docs]class ConstantDiagnostic(Diagnostic): """ Yields constant diagnostics provided at initialization. Note ---- Any arrays in the passed dictionaries are not copied, so that if you were to modify them after passing them into this object, it would also modify the values inside this object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, diagnostics): """ Args ---- diagnostics : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities. The values in the dictionary will be returned when this Diagnostic is called. """ self._diagnostics = diagnostics.copy()
[docs] def __call__(self, state): """ Returns diagnostic values. Args ---- state : dict A model state dictionary. Is not used, and is only taken in to keep an API consistent with a Diagnostic. Returns ------- diagnostics : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities. The values in the returned dictionary are the same as were passed into this object at initialization. """ return self._diagnostics.copy()
[docs]class RelaxationPrognostic(Prognostic): r""" Applies Newtonian relaxation to a single quantity. The relaxation takes the form :math:`\frac{dx}{dt} = - \frac{x - x_{eq}}{\tau}` where :math:`x` is the quantity being relaxed, :math:`x_{eq}` is the equilibrium value, and :math:`\tau` is the timescale of the relaxation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, quantity_name, equilibrium_value=None, relaxation_timescale=None): """ Args ---- quantity_name : str The name of the quantity to which Newtonian relaxation should be applied equilibrium_value : DataArray, optional The equilibrium value to which the quantity is relaxed. If not given, it should be provided in the state when the object is called. relaxation_timescale : DataArray, optional The timescale tau with which the Newtonian relaxation occurs. If not given, it should be provided in the state when the object is called. """ self._quantity_name = quantity_name self._equilibrium_value = equilibrium_value self._tau = relaxation_timescale
[docs] def __call__(self, state): """ Gets tendencies and diagnostics from the passed model state. Args ---- state : dict A model state dictionary. Below, (quantity_name) refers to the quantity_name passed at initialization. The state must contain: * (quantity_name) * equilibrium_(quantity_name), unless this was passed at initialisation time in which case that value is used * (quantity_name)_relaxation_timescale, unless this was passed at initialisation time in which case that value is used Returns ------- tendencies : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the time derivative of those quantities in units/second at the time of the input state. diagnostics : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities at the time of the input state. """ value = state[self._quantity_name] if self._equilibrium_value is None: equilibrium = state['equilibrium_' + self._quantity_name].to_units( value.attrs['units']) else: equilibrium = self._equilibrium_value.to_units( value.attrs['units']) if self._tau is None: tau = state[ self._quantity_name + '_relaxation_timescale'].to_units( 's') else: tau = self._tau.to_units('s') tendency_unit_string = str( ureg(state[self._quantity_name].attrs['units']) / ureg('s')) tendencies = { self._quantity_name: DataArray( (equilibrium.values - value.values)/tau.values, dims=value.dims, attrs={'units': tendency_unit_string} ) } return tendencies, {}