Source code for sympl._core.base_components

import abc
from .util import ensure_no_shared_keys, update_dict_by_adding_another
from .exceptions import SharedKeyError

[docs]class Implicit(object): """ Attributes ---------- inputs : tuple of str The quantities required in the state when the object is called. diagnostics: tuple of str The quantities for which values for the old state are returned when the object is called. outputs: tuple of str The quantities for which values for the new state are returned when the object is called. input_properties : dict A dictionary whose keys are quantities required in the state when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate 'dims' and 'units'. diagnostic_properties : dict A dictionary whose keys are quantities for which values for the old state are returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate 'dims' and 'units'. output_properties : dict A dictionary whose keys are quantities for which values for the new state are returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate 'dims' and 'units'. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta input_properties = {} diagnostic_properties = {} output_properties = {} @property def inputs(self): return list(self.input_properties.keys()) @property def diagnostics(self): return list(self.diagnostic_properties.keys()) @property def outputs(self): return list(self.output_properties.keys())
[docs] def __str__(self): return ( 'instance of {}(Implicit)\n' ' inputs: {}\n' ' outputs: {}\n' ' diagnostics: {}'.format( self.__class__, self.inputs, self.outputs, self.diagnostics) )
[docs] def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self, '_making_repr') and self._making_repr: return '{}(recursive reference)'.format(self.__class__) else: self._making_repr = True return_value = '{}({})'.format( self.__class__, '\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(repr(key), repr(value)) for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if key != '_making_repr')) self._making_repr = False return return_value
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, state, timestep): """ Gets diagnostics from the current model state and steps the state forward in time according to the timestep. Args ---- state : dict A model state dictionary. Will be updated with any diagnostic quantities produced by this object for the time of the input state. timestep : timedelta The amount of time to step forward. Returns ------- diagnostics : dict Diagnostics from the timestep of the input state. new_state : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities at the timestep after input state. Raises ------ KeyError If a required quantity is missing from the state. InvalidStateError If state is not a valid input for the Implicit instance for other reasons. """
[docs]class Prognostic(object): """ Attributes ---------- inputs : tuple of str The quantities required in the state when the object is called. tendencies : tuple of str The quantities for which tendencies are returned when the object is called. diagnostics : tuple of str The diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called. input_properties : dict A dictionary whose keys are quantities required in the state when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate 'dims' and 'units'. tendency_properties : dict A dictionary whose keys are quantities for which tendencies are returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate 'dims' and 'units'. diagnostic_properties : dict A dictionary whose keys are diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate 'dims' and 'units'. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta input_properties = {} tendency_properties = {} diagnostic_properties = {} @property def inputs(self): return list(self.input_properties.keys()) @property def tendencies(self): return list(self.tendency_properties.keys()) @property def diagnostics(self): return list(self.diagnostic_properties.keys())
[docs] def __str__(self): return ( 'instance of {}(Prognostic)\n' ' inputs: {}\n' ' tendencies: {}\n' ' diagnostics: {}'.format( self.__class__, self.inputs, self.tendencies, self.diagnostics) )
[docs] def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self, '_making_repr') and self._making_repr: return '{}(recursive reference)'.format(self.__class__) else: self._making_repr = True return_value = '{}({})'.format( self.__class__, '\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(repr(key), repr(value)) for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if key != '_making_repr')) self._making_repr = False return return_value
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, state): """ Gets tendencies and diagnostics from the passed model state. Args ---- state : dict A model state dictionary. Returns ------- tendencies : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the time derivative of those quantities in units/second at the time of the input state. diagnostics : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities at the time of the input state. Raises ------ KeyError If a required quantity is missing from the state. InvalidStateError If state is not a valid input for the Prognostic instance. """
[docs]class ImplicitPrognostic(object): """ Attributes ---------- inputs : tuple of str The quantities required in the state when the object is called. tendencies : tuple of str The quantities for which tendencies are returned when the object is called. diagnostics : tuple of str The diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called. input_properties : dict A dictionary whose keys are quantities required in the state when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate 'dims' and 'units'. tendency_properties : dict A dictionary whose keys are quantities for which tendencies are returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate 'dims' and 'units'. diagnostic_properties : dict A dictionary whose keys are diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate 'dims' and 'units'. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta input_properties = {} tendency_properties = {} diagnostic_properties = {} @property def inputs(self): return list(self.input_properties.keys()) @property def tendencies(self): return list(self.tendency_properties.keys()) @property def diagnostics(self): return list(self.diagnostic_properties.keys())
[docs] def __str__(self): return ( 'instance of {}(Prognostic)\n' ' inputs: {}\n' ' tendencies: {}\n' ' diagnostics: {}'.format( self.__class__, self.inputs, self.tendencies, self.diagnostics) )
[docs] def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self, '_making_repr') and self._making_repr: return '{}(recursive reference)'.format(self.__class__) else: self._making_repr = True return_value = '{}({})'.format( self.__class__, '\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(repr(key), repr(value)) for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if key != '_making_repr')) self._making_repr = False return return_value
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, state, timestep): """ Gets tendencies and diagnostics from the passed model state. Args ---- state : dict A model state dictionary. timestep : timedelta The time over which the model is being stepped. Returns ------- tendencies : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the time derivative of those quantities in units/second at the time of the input state. diagnostics : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities at the time of the input state. Raises ------ KeyError If a required quantity is missing from the state. InvalidStateError If state is not a valid input for the Prognostic instance. """
[docs]class Diagnostic(object): """ Attributes ---------- inputs : tuple of str The quantities required in the state when the object is called. diagnostics : tuple of str The diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called. input_properties : dict A dictionary whose keys are quantities required in the state when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate 'dims' and 'units'. diagnostic_properties : dict A dictionary whose keys are diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called, and values are dictionaries which indicate 'dims' and 'units'. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta input_properties = {} diagnostic_properties = {} @property def inputs(self): return list(self.input_properties.keys()) @property def diagnostics(self): return list(self.diagnostic_properties.keys())
[docs] def __str__(self): return ( 'instance of {}(Diagnostic)\n' ' inputs: {}\n' ' diagnostics: {}'.format( self.__class__, self.inputs, self.diagnostics) )
[docs] def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self, '_making_repr') and self._making_repr: return '{}(recursive reference)'.format(self.__class__) else: self._making_repr = True return_value = '{}({})'.format( self.__class__, '\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(repr(key), repr(value)) for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if key != '_making_repr')) self._making_repr = False return return_value
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, state): """ Gets diagnostics from the passed model state. Args ---- state : dict A model state dictionary. Returns ------- diagnostics : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities at the time of the input state. Raises ------ KeyError If a required quantity is missing from the state. InvalidStateError If state is not a valid input for the Prognostic instance. """
[docs]class Monitor(object): __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
[docs] def __str__(self): return 'instance of {}(Monitor)'.format(self.__class__)
[docs] def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self, '_making_repr') and self._making_repr: return '{}(recursive reference)'.format(self.__class__) else: self._making_repr = True return_value = '{}({})'.format( self.__class__, '\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(repr(key), repr(value)) for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if key != '_making_repr')) self._making_repr = False return return_value
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def store(self, state): """ Stores the given state in the Monitor and performs class-specific actions. Args ---- state: dict A model state dictionary. Raises ------ InvalidStateError If state is not a valid input for the Diagnostic instance. """
class ComponentComposite(object): component_class = None def __str__(self): return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format( self.__class__, ',\n'.join(str(component) for component in self._components)) def __repr__(self): return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format( self.__class__, ',\n'.join(repr(component) for component in self._components)) def __init__(self, *args): """ Args ---- *args The components that should be wrapped by this object. Raises ------ SharedKeyError If two components compute the same diagnostic quantity. """ if self.component_class is not None: ensure_components_have_class(args, self.component_class) self._components = args if hasattr(self, 'diagnostics'): if (len(self.diagnostics) != sum([len(comp.diagnostics) for comp in self._components])): raise SharedKeyError( 'Two components in a composite should not compute ' 'the same diagnostic') def _combine_attribute(self, attr): return_attr = [] for component in self._components: return_attr.extend(getattr(component, attr)) return tuple(set(return_attr)) # set to deduplicate def ensure_components_have_class(components, component_class): for component in components: for attr in ('input_properties', 'output_properties', 'diagnostic_properties', 'tendency_properties'): if hasattr(component_class, attr) and not hasattr(component, attr): raise TypeError( 'Component should have attribute {} but does not'.format( attr)) elif hasattr(component, attr) and not hasattr(component_class, attr): raise TypeError( 'Component should not have attribute {}, but does'.format( attr))
[docs]class PrognosticComposite(ComponentComposite): """ Attributes ---------- inputs : tuple of str The quantities required in the state when the object is called. tendencies : tuple of str The quantities for which tendencies are returned when the object is called. diagnostics : tuple of str The diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called. """ component_class = Prognostic
[docs] def __call__(self, state): """ Gets tendencies and diagnostics from the passed model state. Args ---- state : dict A model state dictionary. Returns ------- tendencies : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the time derivative of those quantities in units/second at the time of the input state. diagnostics : dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities at the time of the input state. Raises ------ SharedKeyError If multiple Prognostic objects contained in the collection return the same diagnostic quantity. KeyError If a required quantity is missing from the state. InvalidStateError If state is not a valid input for a Prognostic instance. """ return_tendencies = {} return_diagnostics = {} for prognostic in self._components: tendencies, diagnostics = prognostic(state) update_dict_by_adding_another(return_tendencies, tendencies) return_diagnostics.update(diagnostics) return return_tendencies, return_diagnostics
@property def inputs(self): return self._combine_attribute('inputs') @property def diagnostics(self): return self._combine_attribute('diagnostics') @property def tendencies(self): return self._combine_attribute('tendencies')
[docs]class DiagnosticComposite(ComponentComposite): """ Attributes ---------- inputs : tuple of str The quantities required in the state when the object is called. diagnostics : tuple of str The diagnostic quantities returned when the object is called. """ component_class = Diagnostic
[docs] def __call__(self, state): """ Gets diagnostics from the passed model state. Args ---- state : dict A model state dictionary. Returns ------- diagnostics: dict A dictionary whose keys are strings indicating state quantities and values are the value of those quantities at the time of the input state. Raises ------ SharedKeyError If multiple Diagnostic objects contained in the collection return the same diagnostic quantity. KeyError If a required quantity is missing from the state. InvalidStateError If state is not a valid input for a Diagnostic instance. """ return_diagnostics = {} for diagnostic_component in self._components: diagnostics = diagnostic_component(state) # ensure two diagnostics don't compute the same quantity ensure_no_shared_keys(return_diagnostics, diagnostics) return_diagnostics.update(diagnostics) return return_diagnostics
@property def inputs(self): return self._combine_attribute('inputs') @property def diagnostics(self): return self._combine_attribute('diagnostics')
[docs]class MonitorComposite(ComponentComposite): component_class = Monitor
[docs] def store(self, state): """ Stores the given state in the Monitor and performs class-specific actions. Args ---- state : dict A model state dictionary. Raises ------ KeyError If a required quantity is missing from the state. InvalidStateError If state is not a valid input for a Monitor instance. """ for monitor in self._components: