Source code for sympl._core.array

from .units import data_array_to_units as to_units_function
import xarray as xr
from pint.errors import DimensionalityError

[docs]class DataArray(xr.DataArray):
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """If this DataArray is on the left side of the addition, keep its attributes when adding to the other object.""" result = super(DataArray, self).__add__(other) result.attrs = self.attrs return result
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """If this DataArray is on the left side of the subtraction, keep its attributes when subtracting the other object.""" result = super(DataArray, self).__sub__(other) result.attrs = self.attrs return result
[docs] def to_units(self, units): """ Convert the units of this DataArray, if necessary. No conversion is performed if the units are the same as the units of this DataArray. The units of this DataArray are determined from the "units" attribute in attrs. Args ---- units : str The desired units. Raises ------ ValueError If the units are invalid for this object. KeyError If this object does not have units information in its attrs. Returns ------- converted_data : DataArray A DataArray containing the data from this object in the desired units, if possible. """ if 'units' not in self.attrs: raise KeyError('"units" not present in attrs') try: return to_units_function(self, units) except DimensionalityError as err: raise ValueError(str(err))