Source code for sympl._components.netcdf

from .._core.base_components import Monitor
from .._core.exceptions import (
    DependencyError, InvalidStateError)
from .._core.units import from_unit_to_another
from .._core.array import DataArray
from .._core.util import same_list, datetime64_to_datetime
import xarray as xr
import os
import numpy as np
from datetime import timedelta
from six import string_types
    import netCDF4 as nc4
except ImportError:
    nc4 = None

if nc4 is None:
    # If dependency is not installed, use a dummy object that will alert the
    # user they need to install the dependency if they try to use it
    class NetCDFMonitor(Monitor):

        def __init__(self, filename):
            raise DependencyError(
                'netCDF4-python must be installed to use NetCDFMonitor')

        def store(self, state):

[docs] class NetCDFMonitor(Monitor): """A Monitor which caches stored states and then writes them to a NetCDF file when requested."""
[docs] def __init__( self, filename, time_units='seconds', store_names=None, write_on_store=False, aliases=None): """ Args ---- filename : str The file to which the NetCDF file will be written. time_units : str, optional The units in which time will be stored in the NetCDF file. Time is stored as an integer number of these units. Default is seconds. store_names : iterable of str, optional Names of quantities to store. If not given, all quantities are stored. write_on_store : bool, optional If True, stored changes are immediately written to file. This can result in many file open/close operations. Default is to write only when the write() method is called directly. aliases : dict A dictionary of string replacements to apply to state variable names before saving them in netCDF files. """ self._cached_state_dict = {} self._filename = filename self._time_units = time_units self._write_on_store = write_on_store if aliases is None: self._aliases = {} else: self._aliases = aliases for key, val in self._aliases.items(): if not isinstance(key, string_types): raise TypeError("Bad alias key type: {}. Expected string.".format(type(key))) elif not isinstance(val, string_types): raise TypeError("Bad alias value type: {}. Expected string.".format(type(val))) if store_names is None: self._store_names = None else: self._store_names = ['time'] + list(store_names)
[docs] def store(self, state): """ Caches the given state. If write_on_store=True was passed on initialization, also writes to file. Normally a call to the write() method is required to write to file. Args ---- state : dict A model state dictionary. Raises ------ InvalidStateError If state is not a valid input for the Diagnostic instance. """ if self._store_names is not None: name_list = set(state.keys()).intersection(self._store_names) cache_state = {name: state[name] for name in name_list} else: cache_state = state.copy() # raise an exception if the state has any empty string variables for full_var_name in cache_state.keys(): if len(full_var_name) == 0: raise ValueError('The given state has an empty string as a variable name.') # replace cached variable names with their aliases for longname, shortname in self._aliases.items(): for full_var_name in cache_state.keys(): # replace any string in the full variable name that matches longname # example: if longname is "temperature", shortname is "T", and # full_var_name is "temperature_tendency_from_radiation", the # alias_name for the variable would be: "T_tendency_from_radiation" if longname in full_var_name: alias_name = full_var_name.replace(longname, shortname) if len(alias_name) == 0: # raise exception if the alias is an empty str errstr = 'Tried to alias variable "{}" to an empty string.\n' + \ 'xarray will not allow empty strings as variable names.' raise ValueError(errstr.format(full_var_name)) cache_state[alias_name] = cache_state.pop(full_var_name) cache_state.pop('time') # stored as key, not needed in state dict if state['time'] in self._cached_state_dict.keys(): self._cached_state_dict[state['time']].update(cache_state) else: self._cached_state_dict[state['time']] = cache_state if self._write_on_store: self.write()
@property def _write_mode(self): if not os.path.isfile(self._filename): return 'w' else: return 'a' def _ensure_cached_state_keys_compatible_with_dataset(self, dataset): file_keys = list(dataset.variables.keys()) if 'time' in file_keys: file_keys.remove('time') if len(file_keys) > 0: self._ensure_cached_states_have_same_keys(file_keys) else: self._ensure_cached_states_have_same_keys() def _ensure_cached_states_have_same_keys(self, desired_keys=None): """ Ensures all states in self._cached_state_dict have the same keys. If desired_keys is given, also ensure the keys are the same as the ones in desired_keys. Raises ------ InvalidStateError If the cached states do not meet the requirements. """ if len(self._cached_state_dict) == 0: return # trivially true if desired_keys is not None: reference_keys = desired_keys else: reference_state = tuple(self._cached_state_dict.values())[0] reference_keys = reference_state.keys() for state in self._cached_state_dict.values(): if not same_list(list(state.keys()), list(reference_keys)): raise InvalidStateError( 'NetCDFMonitor was passed a different set of ' 'quantities for different times: {} vs. {}'.format( list(reference_keys), list(state.keys()))) def _get_ordered_times_and_states(self): """Returns the items in self._cached_state_dict, sorted by time.""" return zip(*sorted(self._cached_state_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
[docs] def write(self): """ Write all cached states to the NetCDF file, and clear the cache. This will append to any existing NetCDF file. Raises ------ InvalidStateError If cached states do not all have the same quantities as every other cached and written state. """ with nc4.Dataset(self._filename, self._write_mode) as dataset: self._ensure_cached_state_keys_compatible_with_dataset(dataset) time_list, state_list = self._get_ordered_times_and_states() self._ensure_time_exists(dataset, time_list[0]) it_start = dataset.dimensions['time'].size it_end = it_start + len(time_list) append_times_to_dataset(time_list, dataset, self._time_units) all_states = combine_states(state_list) for name, value in all_states.items(): ensure_variable_exists(dataset, name, value) dataset.variables[name][ it_start:it_end, :] = value.values[:, :] self._cached_state_dict = {}
def _ensure_time_exists(self, dataset, possible_reference_time): """Ensure an unlimited time dimension relevant to this monitor exists in the NetCDF4 dataset, and create it if it does not.""" ensure_dimension_exists(dataset, 'time', None) if 'time' not in dataset.variables: dataset.createVariable('time', np.int64, ('time',)) if isinstance(possible_reference_time, timedelta): dataset.variables['time'].setncattr( 'units', self._time_units) else: # assume datetime dataset.variables['time'].setncattr( 'units', '{} since {}'.format( self._time_units, possible_reference_time)) dataset.variables['time'].setncattr( 'calendar', 'proleptic_gregorian')
class RestartMonitor(Monitor): """ A :py:class:`~sympl.Monitor` which stores model state in a NetCDF file, and can load that file back into the form of a model state. """ def __init__(self, filename): self._filename = filename def store(self, state): """ Write the state to the restart file, replacing any existing restart data. Parameters ---------- state : dict A model state dictionary. """ new_filename = self._filename + '.new' if os.path.isfile(new_filename): raise IOError('Filename {} already exists'.format(new_filename)) netcdf_monitor = NetCDFMonitor(new_filename) netcdf_monitor.write() if os.path.isfile(self._filename): os.rename(self._filename, self._filename + '.old') os.rename(new_filename, self._filename) if os.path.isfile(self._filename + '.old'): os.remove(self._filename + '.old') def load(self): """ Load the state from the restart file. Returns ------- state : dict The model state stored in the restart file. """ dataset = xr.open_dataset(self._filename) state = {} for name, value in dataset.data_vars.items(): state[name] = DataArray(value[0, :]) # remove time axis state['time'] = datetime64_to_datetime(dataset['time'][0]) return state def append_times_to_dataset(times, dataset, time_units): """Appends the given list of times to the dataset. Assumes the time units in the NetCDF4 dataset correspond to the string time_units.""" it_start = dataset.dimensions['time'].size it_end = it_start + len(times) if isinstance(times[0], timedelta): times_list = [] for time in times: times_list.append(time.total_seconds()) time_array = from_unit_to_another( np.array(times_list), 'seconds', time_units) dataset.variables['time'][it_start:it_end] = time_array[:] else: # assume datetime dataset.variables['time'][it_start:it_end] = nc4.date2num( times, dataset.variables['time'].units, calendar='proleptic_gregorian' ) def combine_states(states): """Takes in an iterable of state dictionaries, and combines them into a single returned state dictionary, adding a new first dimension to the DataArray values which corresponds to the order of the input state iterable.""" return_dict = {} n_states = len(states) for name, value in states[0].items(): return_dict[name] = DataArray( np.zeros((n_states,) + value.shape, dtype=value.values.dtype), dims=('time',) + value.dims, attrs=value.attrs) for i, state in enumerate(states): for name in state.keys(): return_dict[name][i, :] = state[name][:] return return_dict def ensure_variable_exists(dataset, name, data): """Dataset should be nc4.Dataset, name should be a string, and data should be a DataArray. Ensures there is a Variable in the dataset that corresponds to the given name and data, and creates it if not. Raises IOError if there is already a Variable but it is incompatible with the data.""" if name not in dataset.variables: create_variable(dataset, name, data) else: ensure_variable_is_compatible(dataset.variables[name], name, data) def create_variable(dataset, name, data): if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): for i in range(len(data.dims)): try: if i == 0: # time ensure_dimension_exists( dataset, data.dims[i], None) else: ensure_dimension_exists( dataset, data.dims[i], data.values.shape[i]) except IOError as err: raise IOError( 'Error while creating {}: {}'.format(name, err)) dataset.createVariable( name, data.values.dtype, data.dims) for key, value in data.attrs.items(): dataset.variables[name].setncattr(key, value) else: raise TypeError('data must be of type DataArray') def ensure_variable_is_compatible(variable, name, data): if variable.dimensions != data.dims: raise IOError( 'Dimension in file is {} but on variable is {}'.format( variable.dimensions, data.dims)) for key, value in data.attrs.items(): if key not in variable.ncattrs(): raise InvalidStateError( 'State has attr {} for quantity {} but this is not ' 'present in the netCDF file'.format(key, name)) elif value != variable.getncattr(key): raise InvalidStateError( 'State has attr {} with value {} for quantity {} but ' 'the value in the netCDF file is {}'.format( key, value, name, variable.getncattr(key))) def ensure_dimension_exists(dataset, dim_name, dim_length): if dim_name in dataset.dimensions: if dim_length is None: if not dataset.dimensions[dim_name].isunlimited(): raise IOError( 'Dimension {} is unlimited in file but dim_length {} ' 'is given'.format(dim_name, dim_length)) elif dim_length != dataset.dimensions[dim_name].size: raise IOError( 'Dimension {} is length {} in file but dim_length {} ' 'is given'.format( dim_name, dataset.dimensions[dim_name].size, dim_length)) else: dataset.createDimension(dim_name, dim_length)