Source code for sympl._core.units

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pint

class UnitRegistry(pint.UnitRegistry):

    def __call__(self, input_string, **kwargs):
        return super(UnitRegistry, self).__call__(
                u'%', 'percent').replace(
                u'°', 'degree'

unit_registry = UnitRegistry()
unit_registry.define('degrees_north = degree_north = degree_N = degrees_N = degreeN = degreesN')
unit_registry.define('degrees_east = degree_east = degree_E = degrees_E = degreeE = degreesE')
unit_registry.define('percent = 0.01*count = %')

[docs]def units_are_compatible(unit1, unit2): """ Determine whether a unit can be converted to another unit. Parameters ---------- unit1 : str unit2 : str Returns ------- units_are_compatible : bool True if the first unit can be converted to the second unit. """ try: unit_registry(unit1).to(unit2) return True except pint.errors.DimensionalityError: return False
[docs]def units_are_same(unit1, unit2): """ Compare two unit strings for equality. Parameters ---------- unit1 : str unit2 : str Returns ------- units_are_same : bool True if the two input unit strings represent the same unit. """ return unit_registry(unit1) == unit_registry(unit2)
def clean_units(unit_string): return str(unit_registry(unit_string).to_base_units().units)
[docs]def is_valid_unit(unit_string): """Returns True if the unit string is recognized, and False otherwise.""" unit_string = unit_string.replace( '%', 'percent').replace( '°', 'degree') try: unit_registry(unit_string) except pint.UndefinedUnitError: return False else: return True
def data_array_to_units(value, units): if not hasattr(value, 'attrs') or 'units' not in value.attrs: raise TypeError( 'Cannot retrieve units from type {}'.format(type(value))) elif unit_registry(value.attrs['units']) != unit_registry(units): attrs = value.attrs.copy() value = unit_registry.Quantity(value, value.attrs['units']).to(units).magnitude attrs['units'] = units value.attrs = attrs return value def from_unit_to_another(value, original_units, new_units): return (unit_registry(original_units)*value).to(new_units).magnitude