Source code for sympl._core.get_np_arrays

import numpy as np
from .exceptions import InvalidStateError
from .wildcard import get_wildcard_matches_and_dim_lengths, flatten_wildcard_dims

[docs]def get_numpy_arrays_with_properties(state, property_dictionary): out_dict = {} wildcard_names, dim_lengths = get_wildcard_matches_and_dim_lengths( state, property_dictionary) # Now we actually retrieve output arrays since we know the precise out dims for name, properties in property_dictionary.items(): ensure_quantity_has_units(state[name], name) try: quantity = state[name].to_units(properties['units']) except ValueError: raise InvalidStateError( 'Could not convert quantity {} from units {} to units {}'.format( name, state[name].attrs['units'], properties['units'] ) ) out_dims = [] out_dims.extend(properties['dims']) has_wildcard = '*' in out_dims if has_wildcard: i_wildcard = out_dims.index('*') out_dims[i_wildcard:i_wildcard+1] = wildcard_names out_array = get_numpy_array( quantity, out_dims=out_dims, dim_lengths=dim_lengths) if has_wildcard: out_array = flatten_wildcard_dims( out_array, i_wildcard, i_wildcard + len(wildcard_names)) if 'alias' in properties.keys(): out_name = properties['alias'] else: out_name = name out_dict[out_name] = out_array return out_dict
def get_numpy_array(data_array, out_dims, dim_lengths): """ Gets a numpy array from the data_array with the desired out_dims, and a dict of dim_lengths that will give the length of any missing dims in the data_array. """ if len(data_array.values.shape) == 0 and len(out_dims) == 0: return data_array.values # special case, 0-dimensional scalar array else: missing_dims = [dim for dim in out_dims if dim not in data_array.dims] for dim in missing_dims: data_array = data_array.expand_dims(dim) numpy_array = data_array.transpose(*out_dims).values if len(missing_dims) == 0: out_array = numpy_array else: # expand out missing dims which are currently length 1. out_shape = [dim_lengths.get(name, 1) for name in out_dims] if out_shape == list(numpy_array.shape): out_array = numpy_array else: out_array = np.empty(out_shape, dtype=numpy_array.dtype) out_array[:] = numpy_array return out_array def ensure_quantity_has_units(quantity, quantity_name): if 'units' not in quantity.attrs: raise InvalidStateError( 'quantity {} is missing units attribute'.format(quantity_name))